Todd Neuman, Founder, President, & Chief Architect
Todd Neuman's eleven years of experience in designing supporting networks and developing
software for large multinationals lead naturally to a position as a developer and programmer
for CanTax, a Canadian Tax software company. Later, his extensive background in integrating
software with hardware and network systems, coupled with his skill at integrating software
solutions for his retail customers, allowed him to detect a lack of Point-Of-Sale
(POS)/Inventory Solutions that where suitable for the retail industries. Asked on numerous
occasions to develop software to meet the needs of his retail clients, Todd easily identified
this market need and thus became the Founding Developer of Matrix in early 1999. At the time,
it was his goal to develop proven retail POS software, using the latest and most innovative
development technologies. Today, this objective still holds firm, as does his commitment to
innovating Matrix software designed exceed customer expectations in multiple environments.
He and his team at Matrix continue to work tirelessly towards these goals, as they design
software that can be easily adapted and customized to any unique retail environment.